Tidbits of History, February 12

February 12 is the 43rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

Quote from Ayn Rand:

Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.

Read more at brainyquote.com


National Plum Pudding Day
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

1554 – Lady Jane Grey, who had claimed the throne of England for nine days, was beheaded after being charged with treason.

Birthday of Cotton Mather (February 12, 1663 in Boston, Mass.), a socially and politically influential New England Puritan minister, prolific author and pamphleteer; he is often remembered for his role in the Salem witch trials.

1733 – Englishman James Oglethorpe founded Georgia , the 13th colony of the original thirteen Colonies, and its first city at Savannah.

President James Madison, born March 16, 1751Publication of Federalist Paper #53: The House of Representatives written by James Madison in 1788. Continuing to define the House of Representatives, Madison asserts that a one-year term is not long enough for members to learn about foreign affairs and the workings of other states. Another factor at that time was the distance needed by members to travel to the site of the federal government. Madison also addressed the issue of possible fraud within the election – that a one-year term would hardly be long enough for fraud to be discovered, investigated, and resolved within one year.

President James Madison, born March 16, 1751Publication of Federalist Paper #54: The Apportionment of Members Among the States written by James Madison in 1788. This paper addresses the number of representatives granted each State. The states strongly disagreed on the question of whether slaves were persons or property. If southern States counted all slaves, their representation in Congress would increase but so would their share of the government’s tax load. Northern States would argue if slaves are property, they should be counted in estimates of taxation which are founded on property but excluded from representation based on census. The Founders reached a compromise by establishing the 3/5 rule for slaves. The Compromise was accepted in order to get the southern states to ratify the Constitution.

Birthday of Charles Robert Darwin ((February 12, 1809), English naturalist and geologist best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory. Author of “On the Origin of the Species“.

February 12, 1809Birthday of Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809), sixteenth President of the United States. On this date in 1892, President Lincoln’s birthday was declared to be a national holiday in the U.S. (Now celebrated on Presidents’ Day, Feb 17th, 2020) And on February 12, 1915, the cornerstone of the Lincoln Memorial was laid in Washington, DC.

1999 – President Bill Clinton was acquitted by the United States Senate in his impeachment trial.

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