Tidbits of History, August 18

August 18 is:

Bad Poetry Day
National Ice Cream Pie Day
Per Foodimentary.com

  • In the U.S., all ice cream needs to have a minimum of 10% milkfat if it is to be labeled “ice cream”. This includes custard based (French Style) ice creams.
  • The udder of a cow can hold between 25-50 lbs. of milk.
  • An average dairy cow can produce enough milk in her lifetime to make a little over 9,000 gallons of ice cream.

Virginia Dare, granddaughter of Governor John White of the Colony of Roanoke, became the first English child born in the Americas on August 18, 1587.

Birthday of Meriwether Lewis (August 18, 1774), American explorer who, with William Clark, led an expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific.

Mrs. Hayes, August 18Birthday of Lucy Webb Hayes (August 18, 1831), wife of Rutherford B Hayes; first lady 1877-1881. Lucy Hayes became known as “Lemonade Lucy” because she forbade the serving of alcohol in the White House. It is reported that the President and Lucy began each day by kneeling for morning prayers and ended each day in the singing of hymns. Hayes had a firm conviction that government officials should conduct themselves at all times with discretion and dignity.

The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1920, guaranteeing women’s suffrage.

Section 1: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Mrs. Carter, August 18Birthday of Eleanor Rosalynn Carter (August 18, 1927), wife of Jimmy Carter, first lady 1977-1981. She was politically active during her White House years, sitting in on Cabinet and policy meetings as well as serving as her husband’s closest adviser. She died Nov 19, 2023.

1938 – The Thousand Islands Bridge, connecting New York, United States with Ontario, Canada over the Saint Lawrence River, was dedicated by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Birthday of Benney D. Davis (August 18, 1943), co-editor of this website and love of my life.

2008 – President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, resigned due to the threat of impeachment.

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