Tidbits of History, February 16

February 16 is the 47th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

Quote from Ayn Rand:

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.

Read more at brainyquote.com


National Almond Day
From: National Days Today.com

Almond hulls are used to feed cattle.
The word Almond is derived from Greek word “amygalda” meaning an almond shaped neuron in humans brain.
Almond flowers are not wind pollinated. Instead, it undergoes cross-pollination(one variety pollinates with another.) Honey bees play crucial role in transferring pollens between different varieties.
California cultivates eighty percentages of almonds in the world. It produces nearly six varieties of almonds.
Almonds are pasteurised to prevent salmonella bacterial growth.
Almond milk is lactose and cholesterol free which is best suited for vegans.
Almonds are one of the members of rose family. It is also called as “queen of rose family.”

February 16, 1786Birthday of Elizabeth Kortright Monroe (February 16, 1786), wife of James Monroe; First Lady 1817-1825. When James Monroe was named U. S. Minister to France in 1794 :
From: First Ladies Biographies

During the last days of the French Revolution, Elizabeth Monroe made a name for herself by her courageous visit to Adrienne de Noiolles de Lafayette, the imprisoned wife of the Marquis de Lafayette – the great personal friend of George Washington and many other revolutionary era patriots and France’s most prominent supporter of American independence. Elizabeth Monroe, in the American Embassy’s carriage, made it a point to visit the woman in prison; it was as clear a message as could be made unofficially by the U.S. government. Not wishing to offend their ally, the French government used Elizabeth Monroe’s “unofficial” interest in Adrienne de Lafayette to release her on January 22, 1795 without any official provocation and thus maintain their alliance with the U.S. yet save face for the imprisonment.

President James Madison, born March 16, 1751Publication of Federalist Paper #56: The Total Number of the House of Representatives written by James Madison in 1788. Madison continues to discuss the number of Representatives needed and concludes that the number in the Constitution of one per thirty thousand is justified.

1874 – Silver Dollar became legal US tender.

The nation’s first 911 emergency telephone system was inaugurated in Haleyville, Alabama in 1968.

1985 – Hezbollah was founded. The ideology of Hezbollah has been summarized as Shi’i radicalism. Hezbollah was largely formed with the aid of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s followers in the early 1980s in order to spread Islamic revolution and follows a distinct version of Islamic Shi’a ideology.

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